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정보와 지식
The Innovator's DNA
Today's most dynamic thinkers and innovators live and operate ahead of the curve every day. So how do they think and how does the “Innovators' DNA” work? Harvard Business School’s “Creativity at Work” conducte..
덧글 0 작성일 2010-07-09
[Finance] 5 Resources to Learn to Retire Rich
by Troy Adkins Tuesday, November 17, 2009 In the United States, the topic of retirement planning is largely ignored by the administrators who set the education curriculum for primary and secondary students. As a result..
덧글 0 작성일 2010-05-11
[N.Y Times : 2 May 2010] Drilling, Disater, Denail
Drilling, Disaster, Denail by Paul Krugman published 2 May It took futuristic technology to achieve one of the worst ecological disasters on record. Without such technology, ..
덧글 0 작성일 2010-05-04
Berating the Raters (N.Y Times April 25,2010)
By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: April 25, 2010 Let’s hear it for the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Its work on the financial crisis is increasingly looking like the 21st-century version of the Pecor..
덧글 0 작성일 2010-04-27
Chances Are (N.Y Times. April 25, 2010)
Have you ever had that anxiety dream where you suddenly realize you have to take the final exam in some course you’ve never attended? For professors, it works the other way around — you dream you’re giving a lectur..
덧글 0 작성일 2010-04-27
[Edu]Alternate Paht for Teachers Gains Ground/April 18. 2010
Paul Crugman 'Looters in Loafers'
April 14 N.Y Times Editorial
필자 예병일 소개 경제노트 소개 1:1문의하기 개인정보 취급방침
예병일의 경제노트    대표자: 예병일    개인정보 관리책임자: 조영동 팀장    전화: 02-566-7616   팩스: 02-566-7619