오시겠다고 미리 전화로 약속하셨어요?
Did you make a reservation.
뭐라고 이야기할까요?
What shoud I say?
잠시 기달려 달라하세요
Tell him to wait a minute.
그것을 어떻게 말해야 할까요?
How do I put this?
뭐라고 답변해야할지 모르겟어요
I don't know how to respond.
더는 묻지 마세요
Don't ask for any more details.
말하지 않겠습니다.
I can't say.
이해가 되요?
Are you following me?
이해가 안되요. 좀더 쉽게 말씀해주세요
I'm not following you. Could you put it more simply?
구체적으로 답변해주세요.
Could you be more specific.
다른말로 설명해주세요
Could you explain that in different words.
뭐라고 하셨죠?
What did you say?
네..여기가 시청앞이라고 말했어요
I said this is the front of City Hall.
잘알아듣지 못했어요
I'm sorry. I didn't get that.
다시 말씀해주세요
Please say that again.
무슨말을 하는거예요?
What are you saying?
이건 영어로 뭐라고 해요?
What do you call this in English.
이건 무슨뜻이예요?
What does this mean?