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New year's resolution
입력 2009-08-31 오후 5:57:00
트위터에 담기 스크랩하기 내모임에담기 이메일추천하기 인쇄하기
Max tells Michelle about his New Year's Eve plan.
Michelle: Are you going to head over to Ted's house for his New Year's Eve party?
Max: Actually, I'm planning to spend New Year's Eve in New York.
Michelle: Wow, that's so cool. Are you going to be in Time Square to see the ball drop?
Max: Yup, it's something that I've seen on TV a bunch of times, But this year I wanted to
        see if for real.
Michelle: Well, make sure that you get there early. It always looks so packed.
Max: Yeah, my cousin and I are planning on camping out the day before to make sure
        that we get good seats.
Michelle: Well, I guess your holiday will be more exciting than ours. But last year, New
              York was freezing. Did you see that blizzard?
Max: I just hope it's not too cold this year. I wish I had more money for a winter coat.
        I guess my New Year's resolution will be to save money.
Michelle : That's not a bad idea. I'm not sure what mine will be this year.
                I always feel kind of bad about making them, though.
Max : Why's that? Is it because you never stick to them?
Michelle : Yeah, maybe my resolution should be to stop breaking my resolutions.
Max : Why don't you just make easier resolutions? You know, instead of trying to quit
          smoking, just try tp cut back next year.
Michelle : That's sound like a good idea.
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