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고창성의 영어노트
090713_ I worked the deep wells
I workded the deep wells for a week and did nothing, he thought. Today I'll work out where the schools of bonito and lbacore are and maybe there will be a big one with them. Before it was really light he had hi..
덧글 0 작성일 2009-07-15
090626_They walked up the road together
The walked up the road together to the old man's shack and went in through its open door. The old man leaned the mast with iwts wrapped sail against the wall and the boy put the box and the other gear beside it. The ..
덧글 0 작성일 2009-06-26
090624_They picked up the gear from the boat
They picked up the gear from the boat. The old man carried the mast on this shoulder and the boy carried the wooden box with the colied, hard-braided brown lines, the gaff and the harpoon with its shaft. The box wit..
덧글 0 작성일 2009-06-24
필자 예병일 소개 경제노트 소개 1:1문의하기 개인정보 취급방침
예병일의 경제노트    대표자: 예병일    개인정보 관리책임자: 조영동 팀장    전화: 02-566-7616   팩스: 02-566-7619